May 18. 2011 Juche 100
Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Fruit Farms
Kim Yong Nam Meets IPU Secretary-General
IPU Secretary-General Concludes Visit to DPRK
Wang Zhaoguo Calls for Enhancing Role of Working People's Organizations
Chairman of Nepalese Press Interviewed
Paintings and Calligraphic Works Exhibited
Shelter-Belt Created in Taehongdan County
Rice-Transplanting in Full Swing
Kangwon Province Takes on New Look
Kanggye Koryo Medicine Factory
Revolutionary Battle Site in Sinhung Area Visited by Endless Crowd of People
Many Chinese Businesses Invest in Rason – Newspaper
Kwangju Popular Uprising Calls for Judging Fascist Dictatorial Regime
Anniversary of Kwangju Popular Uprising Observed
Japanese Reactionaries' Ambition for Overseas Aggression Flayed
S. Korean Warmongers Stage Joint Landing Exercises
Another Attack on S. Korean Puppet Forces in Afghanistan
S. Korean Businessman Accused of Driving Worker to Death
S. Korea's Repressive Rule Denounced
Anti-"government" Actions Staged in S. Korea
Refusal to Reduce Communication Fee Protested in S. Korea
Chongryon Intensifies Support Drive among Compatriots
Brazilian Organization Introduces DPRK's Power Station under Construction
Bangladeshi Organization Hails Inter-Korean Declaration
Decision of IIJI Meeting Supported in Sweden and Guinea
DPRK Important Anniversaries Observed in Mexico
DPRK Holidays Marked Abroad
Tohoku Electric Plunges into Red on Disaster
Radioactivity Detected in Containers from Japan
China Calls for Respect for Sovereignty of Developing Countries
Cooperation between China and Other Countries
Russian Deputy PM Inspects Kuriles
Russia Warns NATO on Romania Missile Deal
US Criticizes Lack of Ability to Negotiate over "Northern Territories"
US Regulators Alert over Valve Failure at Alabama Nuclear Plant
US Drone Strike Kills Five in NW Pakistan
Palestinians Demonstrate for Refugees' Right to Return
Israeli Army Suppresses Palestinians
Mexico Criticizes New US Anti-immigration Law
UN Accuses Israeli Authorities of Unreasonable Policy
Earthquake Jolts Afghanistan and Pakistan

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il recibe a la delegación rusa de inteligencia
Kim Jong Il dirige las granjas frutícolas de Ryongjon y Toksong
Celebran efemérides coreanas en numerosos países
Rodong Sinmun comenta nuevo paso militarista de Japón

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