April 15. 2011 Juche 100
Kim Jong Il Enjoys Performance Given by Art Squad of KPA Unit
Message to Kim Jong Il from Russian President
Kim Yong Nam Meets Foreign Guests
Yang Hyong Sop Meets Japanese Delegation
Talks between Delegations of Security Organs of DPRK and Vietnam
Reception Given at DPRK Embassy in Beijing
Russian Personages Visit DPRK Embassy
Delegations and Delegates of Organizations for Study of Juche Idea Feted
Participants in 27th April Spring Friendship Art Festival Feted
Friendly Amusement Games of Participants in Art Festival Held
Participants in Art Festival Enjoy Performance Given by Samjiyon Band
Acrobatic Performance Goes On in Art Festival
Tribute Paid to Kim Il Sung
Senior Party and State Officials Visit Mangyongdae
Floral Baskets Laid before Statues of Kim Il Sung
Dancing Parties of Youth and Students Held
First Camping Starts at Children's Camps
Performance Given at Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace
April Holiday Significantly Commemorated across Country
Stands Begin Serving Ice Water
April 15 Children's Flower Garden
Life Devoted to People
Congratulatory Letter from AINDF
Letter from Chongryon
Papers Editorially Commemorate Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
Choson Sinbo Carries Special Write-up
Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Praised in S. Korea
Revolutionary Exploits of Kim Jong Il Praised
DPRK's Significant Days Observed Abroad
DPRK's Greatest Holiday Observed Abroad
Kim Il Sung's Work Off Press in Italy

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje del presidente ruso
Periódicos capitalinos conmemoran día de natalicio de Kim Il Sung
Conversaciones entre delegaciones de Corea y Vietnam
En Corea festejan el Día del Sol

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