June 16. 2009 Juche 98
KCNA Detailed Report on Truth about Crimes Committed by American Journalists
All Koreans Called upon to Implement June 15 Joint Declaration
Lee Myung Bak Group Accused of Disallowing Religious Group's Pyongyang Visit
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Work at C.C., WPK Marked
"World Blood Donor Day" Marked in DPRK
Chollima Soaring High up to Sky
Songun Politics, Most Powerful, Dignified and Independent One
Clairvoyant Wisdom
U.S. Ambition for World Supremacy Slammed
Lee Myung Bak Gang's Outbursts Agitating War Blasted
Lee Myung Bak Group's War Moves Censured
Japanese Reactionaries' Moves to Turn Japan into Military Power Slammed
Koreans Called upon to Dynamically Advance June 15 Era of Reunification
Withdrawal of Lee Myung Bak's Hostile Policy towards DPRK Urged
Traitor Lee Myung Bak Urged to Apologize for Brutal Suppression of Protesters
Lee Myung Bak Group's Moves for Escalating Confrontation with DPRK Flayed
Candlelight Action for Judging Lee Myung Bak Launched
Korean People's Cause Supported by Int'l Organization
DPRK's Important Days Observed by Overseas Koreans Organizations
Inter-Korean Declarations Supported
Kim Jong Il's Exploits Lauded in Different Countries
Centenary of Kim Il Sung's Birth to be Commemorated in Belarus

For Spanish-speaking People
ATCC informa en detalles el juicio sobre periodistas norteamericanas
Pyongyaneses condenan "resolucion de sancion" de Consejo de Seguridad
Publicado llamamiento a ejecucion de declaraciones conjuntas Norte-Sur
CRC denuncia a Lee Myung Bak por impedir la visita a Pyongyang

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