April 14. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Issues Order on Raising Military Ranks
Kim Jong Il sends Educational Aid Fund and Stipends
National Meeting Marks Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
Congratulations from Russian President
Kim Yong Nam Meets Japanese Delegation
Gift from IAIWP Chairperson
Ecuador Honorary Citizens Awarded
Gift from Ecuadorian
Congratulations from Military Attaches Corps
Floral Basket from Foreigners
Floral Baskets Laid before Statue of Kim Il Sung
Syrian Charged' Affaires AI Gives Reception
German Parliamentary Delegation Leaves
Condolence Visits Paid to Polish Embassy
DPRK Awards to Juche Idea Followers
E-Library at Kim Il Sung University Completed
DWUK Commemorates Day of Sun
Art Exhibition Held
Pyongyang in Festive Mood
US Urged to Promptly Opt for Concluding Peace Treaty
S. Korean Authorities Slammed for Having Derailed Tour
S. Korean Puppet Accused of Begging for "Extended Nuclear Deterrent"
Floral Baskets Sent to DPRK Missions
Korean People's Struggle Supported
Kim Jong Il's Work Off Press in Russia
DPRK Important Days Commemorated in Bangladesh
Day of Sun Commemorated in Various Countries

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il presencia el ejercicio militar con motivo del Dia del Sol
Kim Jong Il envia subsidios escolares y becas a hijos de coreanos en Japon
Kim Jong Il recibe el mensaje de felicitacion de Dmitri Medvedev
Acto central por el 98o aniversario del natalicio de Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il recibe presente de una personalidad ecuatoriana
Ecuador otorga diploma honorifico a tres Generales del monte Paektu

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