June 25. 2009 Juche 98
Pyongyang Mass Rally Marks Day of Struggle against U.S. Imperialism
Korean Women Vow to Take Revenge upon American Murderers
Fine Art Exhibition on Theme of Class Education Opens
More Materials on U.S. Imperialists' Atrocities Displayed
Ever-Growing Danger of War
Greetings to Lao PM
DPRK Delegations Leave to Visit Various Countries
Press Conference at Cuban Embassy Here
Taedonggang Beer
Revolutionary Spirit of Mt. Paektu, Eternal Spirit of Korea
U.S. Policy to Dominate Whole of Korea Never Workable
U.S. Imperialists Termed Provocateurs of Korean War
U.S. Branded as Disturber of Peace of Korean Peninsula
Traitor Lee Myung Bak's U.S. Junket Blasted
KCNA Blasts Reckless Remarks of Traitor Lee Myung Bak
KCNA Assails Japanese Militarists' Preparations for Reinvasion
Protection of Country's Peace and Security Called for
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan Urged to Apologize for Its Past Crime
Puppet Authorities' Encroachment upon Freedom of Expression Protested in S. Korea
Struggle against Police Violence Declared in S. Korea
Lee Myung Bak Group of Traitors' Suppression of Democracy Flailed
UNSC "Resolution on Sanctions" against DPRK Flailed
Any Obstruction to Implementation of Inter-Korean Declaration Opposed
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Work at C.C., WPK Observed Abroad

For Spanish-speaking People
Pyongyaneses condenan a EE.UU. por el dia de lucha antiyanqui
Gremiales de UMDC juran vengarse de los imperialistas yanquis
Inaugurada exhibicion de bellas artes con tema de educacion clasista
Rodong Sinmun comenta el viaje a EE.UU. de traidor Lee Myung Bak

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