January 22. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Yong Il Meets CPC Delegation
Choe Thae Bok Meets CPC Delegation
Greetings to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kuwait
Friendly Meeting with Indian Embassy Officials Held
New Poems Rousing People to Implement Joint Editorial
1,000-ri Journey of Revolution Covered by President in Teenage
DPRK Determined to Wipe Out Enemy
KCNA Assails U.S. Arms Buildup
Japanese Reactionaries' Moves to Revive Militarism Flayed
Lee Myung Bak Group's Policy of Confrontation Flayed
Lee Myung Bak's Outbursts Termed Hypocritical
Lee Myung Bak's Pro-Japanese Behavior Slammed
Truth about Mass Killings of Civilians during Korean War Exposed in S. Korea
Rally for General March in 2009 Held in S. Korea
Lee Fascist Clique's Murder of Evacuees Assailed in S. Korea
Preparatory Committees for Commemorating Day of Sun and Feb. 16 Formed in Different Countries
Seminar and Reading Session on Joint New Year Editorial of DPRK Held in Democratic Congo

For Spanish-speaking People
Encuentro de amistad con los miembros de embajada india
Ejercito y pueblo de Corea redoblan voluntad de aniquilar a los enemigos
Rodong Sinmun advierte el renacer del militarismo en Japon
Rodong Sinmun denuncia la politica conflictiva de Lee Myung Bak

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