December 22. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Inspects Huichon Electrical Complex and Power Station
Kim Yong Nam Congratulates President of Belarus
Vietnam's Army Day Marked
Foreign Diplomats Lays Wreath to Kim Jong Suk
Floral Basket from Chinese Family
Wreath to Kim Jong Suk from Chinese Family
Foreigners Mark DPRK Anniversaries
New Documentary Film Shown
Workers and Unions Marks Anniversary of KPA Supreme Commander
Youth and Student's National Solo Vocal and Recital Contest Held
Sinpha Revolutionary Site Draws Endless Stream of Visitors
Woman Commander of Mt. Paektu Produced by Korea
KCNA Blasts American Lawmakers' Outbursts
Japan Urged to Follow Precedent of International Community
Actions to Judge Dictatorial Regime Called for in S. Korea
Young Koreans' Night Event Held in South Africa
Korean People's Struggle Supported at International Forum
International Solidarity for Korea's Reunification Called for
Songun Politics Praised by Finnish Politician
Demolition of Concrete Wall Demanded in Bangladesh
DPRK Anniversaries Celebrated in Ethiopia and Peru
DPRK Anniversaries Marked Abroad
Kim Jong Il's Work Given Wide Publicity

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige complejo y obra de central electrica de Huichon
Kim Jong Il dirige el Combinado de Maquinaria Ryonha de Huichon
Actos de festejo de obreros y gremiales y de mujeres
Tribuna internacional de solidaridad con la lucha del pueblo coreano
Tiene lugar acto de delegacion coreana al festival mundial

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