August 30. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Pays Unofficial Visit to China
Kim Jong Il Sends Message of Thanks to Hu Jintao
Speech of Kim Jong Il at Banquet
Speech of Hu Jintao at Banquet
Kim Yong Nam Meets Vietnamese Delegation
Kim Yong Nam Greets King of Malaysia
Choe Yong Rim Greets Malaysian PM
Friendly Meeting with Malaysian Embassy Held
Meetings of Delegates for WPK Conference Held
Seminar on Kim Jong Il's Immortal Feats for Youth League Held
Stamp-Releasing Ceremony Held
New Folktale Book Published
AEAK Greets 30th Birthday
Japan Held Accountable for Ukishima-maru Incident
Korean Jurists Committee Demands Japan's Settlement of Past History
US Urged to Drop Cold War-minded Way of Thinking
Lee Myung Bak's Treacherous Malarkey Denounced
Lee Myung Bak's "Three-phase Unification Proposal" Snubbed
S. Korean Warmongers' Maneuvers Flailed
DPRK Hailed by Political Figure of Mexico
Korean People's Struggle Supported in Philippines
Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Italy
Significant Day of DPRK Observed

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il realiza visita extraoficial a China
Kim Jong Il envia mensaje de agradecimiento a Hu Jintao
Discurso de Kim Jong Il pronunciado en banquete ofrecido por Hu Jintao
Discurso de Hu Jintao pronunciado en banquete en honor de Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Il envia mensaje de felicitacion a Raul Castro Ruz
Kim Jong Il recibe mensaje de felicitacion de Raul Castro Ruz
Kim Jong Il recibe telegrama de consuelo del presidente ruso
Reunion de delegados de provincia de Phyong-an del Norte
Continuan reuniones de los delegados de varias unidades del PTC

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