July 31. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Inspects Light Industrial Establishments in Kanggye City
Kim Jong Il Inspects Huichon Youth Electrical Complex
Kim Yong Nam Greets Swiss President
Pak Ui Chun Meets Myanmar FM
Swiss National Day Observed
Wreaths Laid before Statue and Grave of Kang Pan Sok
Kang Pan Sok, Great Revolutionary of Korea
KCNA Blasts War Maneuvers for Invading DPRK
Suppression of Organizations for Reunification Flayed in S. Korea
Japan Urged to Admit Illegality of "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty"
Japan Accused of Its Discriminatory Policy toward Korean Schools
Early Normalization of DPRK-Japan Relations Called for
DPRK-targeted Joint Military Exercises under Fire
Halt to US Hostile Policy toward DPRK Urged

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige fabricas de industria ligera de Kanggye
Kim Jong Il dirige el Complejo de Aparatos Electricos Juventud
Kim Jong Il dirige varias fabricas de la provincia de Jagang
Conversaciones entre cancilleres de Corea y Myanmar
ATCC condena entrenamiento militar de EE.UU. y el Sur de Corea

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