October 16. 2011 Juche 100
Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Major Industrial Establishments in Hamhung City
Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to Major Industrial Establishments in Hamhung City
Kim Jong Il Sends Autograph to Builders of Huichon Power Station
Foreigners Pay Homage to Kim Il Sung
Bangladeshi Figures Pay Congratulatory Visit to DPRK Embassy
Senior Party and State Officials Visit Tudan Duck Farm
DPRK Women's Football Team Beats Chinese Rival
"Theory of Fine Arts"
Kim Jong Il's Work Carried by Ecuadorian Newspaper
Anniversary of WPK Observed in Finland
Anniversary of WPK Marked in Austria
Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's Feats Praised by Foreign Personages
Russian Newspaper on Kim Jong Il's Visit to Russia
Important Days of DPRK Observed Abroad
WPK's Anniversary Marked by Regional Organization
WPK's Anniversary Observed in Different Countries
WPK's Feats Praised in Cuba
Kim Jong Il's Revolutionary Activities Reported in Different Countries
PNA Calls for International Pressure on Israel
IRGC Rejects U.S. Claims over Alleged Assassination Plot
Business Confidence Down in Sept for 2nd Straight Month
Loss of Life with Tuberculosis
Serious Unemployment in U.S.
Popular Protest in France
6 Killed, 2 Injured in Drone Strike in NW Pakistan
Hurricane Hits Central America
U.S. Accusations over Iran's Alleged Assassination Plot Assailed

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