December 1. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Inspects Light Industrial Factories in Hamhung
Kim Jong Il Inspects Hamhung University of Hydraulic Engineering
Kim Jong Il Sends Wreath to Bier of Late Kim Su Jo
Kim Jong Il Sends Equipment to Wonsan University of Agriculture
Kim Yong Nam Greet UAE President
Kim Yong Nam Greets Lao President
Kim Yong Nam Greets Romanian President
Choe Yong Rim Greets UAE PM
Choe Yong Rim Greets Lao PM
Choe Yong Rim Greets Romanian PM
Day of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces Observed
World AIDS Day Observed
DWUK Consumption Goods Exhibition Held
New Veterinary Medicines Developed
Korean Central History Museum Greets Its Birthday
KCNA Holds US Wholly Responsible for Nuclear Threat and Proliferation
Lee Group Accused of His Reckless Remarks Escalating Confrontation
Japanese Reactionaries' Moves to Stage Comeback to Korea Disclosed
All Koreans Called upon to Hold Higher Banner of Inter-Korean Declarations
Story of Kim Il Sung

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige fabrica filial del Complejo de Ryongsong
Kim Jong Il dirige la Universidad de Energia Hidraulica de Hamhung
Kim Jong Il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de ciudad de Hamhung
Kim Jong Il envia ofrenda floral ante feretro de difunto Kim Su Jo
Preparados en Corea nuevos medicamentos veterinarios

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