October 5. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Watches Coordinated Drill of KPA Unit
6th DPRK-US Colonel-Level Military Working Contact
Pak Ui Chun Greets Albanian FM
Floral Basket from Lao President
Floral Basket and Letter from Diplomatic Corps
Floral Baskets from Foreigners
Floral Basket from Korean in Russia
Gift from Japanese
Finnish Party Delegation Goes Back
Delegations of Juche Idea Study Groups Arrive
German Ambassador Hosts Reception
Reception Given at Syrian Embassy
WPK Birthday Celebrated
Performances Given
Doctorate Awarded to Lecturer of Chongryon
Anniversary of Proposal for Founding DFRK Observed
State Book Exhibition Opens
Book about Tok Islet Off Press
Program for Foreign Studies Developed
KCNA Blasts US Human Rights Abuses
US Reckless Remarks Slashed
Struggle for Bringing Earlier National Reunification Called for
Seminars on Kim Jong Il's Work Held in Switzerland and Bangladesh
Birthday of WPK Marked in Colombia
Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Iran
WPK Lauded by Myanmar Figure
Kim Jong Il's Feats Praised
Story of Kin Il Sung

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il presencia el ejercicio combinado de Unidad 851 del EPC
Efectuada sexta ronda de contacto militara RPDC-EE.UU.
ATCC comenta actos anti-DDHH de EE.UU.
Ofrecidas funciones artisticas por el 65o aniversario del PTC
Inaugurada exposicion de libros por el 65o aniversario del PTC

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