August 26. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Sends Wreath to Bier of Kim Song Gyu
Kim Song Gyu Passes Away
Meetings of City and County Party Delegates Held
Start of Leadership at Kim Il Sung Univ. Marked
DPRK Foreign Ministry Arranges Reception
Chinese Delegation Visits Martyrs Cemetery
Flood Damage Serious in Sinuiju City, Uiju County
Angling Contest Held
Chinese Sacrifices Himself to Save Korean Girls
Koguryo's Chomsongdae Discovered in Mt. Taesong Area
Pothonggang Shop Full of Customers
Cause of National Reunification Sure to Be Realized
Halt to US-S. Korean Military Exercises Demanded
Kim Jong Il's Songun Leadership Exploits Lauded
Anniversary of Songun Leadership Marked

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige la Fabrica de Elaboracion de Cereales
Kim Jong Il envia ofrenda floral ante feretro de difunto Kim Song Gyu
Fallecio Kim Song Gyu
Kim Jong Il recibe telegrama de consuelo de Hu Jintao
Gobierno chino decide donar materiales de socorro a la RPDC
Tienen lugar reuniones de delegados urbanos y distritales del partido

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