October 14. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Yong Dae Meets Franklin Graham
Gift to Kim Jong Il from Franklin Graham
Pak Ui Chun Meets Franklin Graham
DPRK's Will to Contribute to Attaining UN Millennium Goal Reiterated
Kim Il Sung's Idea on Great National Unity
U.S. and S. Korean Scenario for Aggression on DPRK under Fire
U.S. Entirely to Blame for Spawning Nuclear Issue on Korean Peninsula
Inter-Korean Reconciliation and Cooperation Called for
Anniversary of WPK Celebrated in Different Countries
WPK Birthday Observed in Foreign Countries
Anniversary of Oct. 4 Declaration Observed in Egypt
Nostalgia Sung in Manjiang

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Yong Dae se reune con Franklin Graham y su comitiva
Pak Ui Chun se reune con Franklin Graham y su comitiva
RPDC contribuira al logro del objeto del desarrollo de milenio de la ONU
Minju Joson revela la ambicion agresiva de EE.UU. y Sur de Corea

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