July 9. 2009 Juche 98

15th Anniversary of Demise of Kim Il Sung
 Large Floral Basket Sent to DPRK Embassy by Cambodian King
 Large Floral Basket Sent to DPRK Embassy by Cambodian Great King
 Exploits of Peerlessly Great Men Lauded
 Kim Il Sung's Exploits Lauded by British Figure
 Floral Tribute Paid to President Kim Il Sung
 Film Show Held by Chongryon
 15th Anniversary of Demise of Kim Il Sung Commemorated in Cuba and China
 Anniversary of Demise of Kim Il Sung Commemorated in Different Countries

National Meeting Commemorates Birth Anniversary of Kim Hyong Jik
Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Brazilian Ambassador
Extravaganza "Arirang" To Be Staged
Successes in Pilot Sectors of National Economy
Militant Slogan Arousing All Army and People
Lee Myung Bak Group's Moves to Stamp out Jongyojo Flayed
Young People Called upon to Take Lead in Actions for Forcing Lee Myung Bak Regime to Step Down
Withdrawal of Unpopular and Undemocratic Policy Demanded in S. Korea

For Spanish-speaking People
Norodom Sihanouk envia gran cesto de flores a la embajada coreana
Rey camboyano envia gran cesto de flores a la embajada coreana
Se iniciara el nuevo ciclo de funcion "Arirang"
Exitos logrados en ramas prioritarias de la economia nacional

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