June 1. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Jong Il Enjoys Performance Given by Art Groups of Families of KPA Servicemen
Greetings to Italian President
Gift to Kim Jong Il from Chinese Organization
Exhibition of Korean and Chinese Children Opened
International Children's Day Marked
International Children's Day Enjoyed
More Meetings Hail Successful Nuclear Test
New Stone Buddha Grotto Discovered in DPRK
Infant Prodigies of Music
Love People
KCNA Slams U.S. Administration's Invariable Hostile Policy towards DPRK
Lee Myung Bak Group's Fascist Action against Progressive Forces Flayed
All Koreans Called upon to Remain True to Inter-Korean Declarations
Slogans for Urgent Struggle Issued in S. Korea
DPRK's Successful Nuclear Test Hailed by British Organizations

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il presencia funcion inaugural del Teatro Kalma
Continuan mitines congratulatorios de exito de segunda prueba nuclear
ATCC critica invariable politica hostil a RPDC de EE.UU.
Acto conjunto de amistad por Dia Internacional de Infancia

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