April 5. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Jong Il Observes Launch of Satellite Kwangmyongsong-2
KCNA on DPRK's Successful Launch of Satellite Kwangmyongsong-2
FIFA Urged to Take Appropriate Measure
Anniversary of Chondoism Observed
Sheer Sophism of Lee Myung Bak Group of Traitors Dismissed
Lee Myung Bak Group's Anti-DPRK Human Rights Racket Flailed
Lee Myung Bak Group's Suppression of Media Assailed
Police Suppression of Student Movement under Fire in S. Korea
DPRK's Projected Satellite Launch Hailed Abroad
Japan Urged to Redeem Its Past
Kim Il Sung's Work Published in Russia
April Holidays Observed in Different Countries

For Spanish-speaking People
ATCC informa exitoso lanzamiento del satelite "Kwangmyongsong No.2"

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