February 2. 2009 Juche 98
DPRK's Principled Stand on Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula Reiterated
Dancing Party Held
Anniversary of Victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran Marked
New Posters Call for Implementation of New Year's Tasks
Lee Myung Bak's Watchwords of "No Nukes, Opening and 3,000 Dollars" Flailed
Japan's Hostile Campaign against DPRK Blasted
Birthday of Kim Jong Il Celebrated in Different Countries
Greatest Holidays of DPRK to Be Marked in Different Countries

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il inspecciona subunidad de la Unidad No. 131 del EPC
Kim Jong Il dirige la Central Hidroelectrica No. 1 de Ryesonggang
Kim Jong Il elegido como candidato al diputado a XII legislatura de APS
Portavoz del EMG vuelve a exponer la posicion de principios del EPC

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