October 26. 2010 Juche 99
Kim Jong Il Lays Wreaths before Cemetery of CPV
Kim Jong Il Visits Former CPV Command
Talks between NDC and Chinese High-ranking Military Delegation
Chinese High-Ranking Military Delegation Leaves
DPRK Ambassador to China Appointed
CPV's Entry into Korean Front Observed in China
Internationalist Obligation Displayed in Korean War
Day of UN Observed
Vietnamese President Supports Korean People's Just Cause
Hydroelectric Power Output Goes Up
KCNA Commentary Lashes at Vicious Moves of Japan against DPRK and Chongryon
US Plan for Realizing "World without Nuclear Weapons" Dismissed as Hypocritical
Living-body Test Perpetrated by US Dismissed
Wild Remarks of Puppet Army Chief of Staff Blasted
Oppression by S.Korean Puppet Authorities Assailed
Significant Days of DPRK Observed
Kim Jong Il's Reelection Congratulated

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il participa en mitin por efemeride Corea-China
Kim Jong Il se reune con varias delegaciones chinas
Kim Jong Il inspecciona comandancia de la Unidad 10215 del EPC
Nombrado Ji Jae Ryong como nuevo embajador coreano en China

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