August 28. 2010 Juche 99
S. Phyongan Provincial Meeting of Delegates for WPK Conference Held
Sympathy Message from Russian President
Youth Day Observed
Dancing Parties Held on Youth Day
New Documentary Film Produced
DPRK Committee for Investigation Urges Japan to Pay for All Its Crimes
S. Korean Puppet Unification Minister's Anti-DPRK Rhetoric Rebuked
Traitor Lee Myung Bak Accused of His Disgusting Behavior
Young People Called upon to Become Vanguard Fighters
Japan Urged to Redress Its Crimes of Sexual Slavery in S. Korea
Japan Urged to Redeem Its Past Crimes in Ukraine
US-S. Korea War Maneuvers Flayed by Bangladesh Figure
Kim Jong Il's Songun Leadership Feats Praised
DPRK Significant Day Celebrated in Russia and Peru

For Spanish-speaking People
Sesionada reunion de delegados de la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur
Publicada declaracion por centenario de invencion de tratado leonino
Jovenes coreanos celebran su dia
Rodong Sinmun comenta el nuevo disparate de Hyon In Thaek

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