September 18. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Jong Il Meets Chinese Envoy
Kim Yong Nam and Chinese Envoy Watch Opera
Chinese Envoy Winds up Visit to DPRK
New DPRK Minister of Finance Appointed
Yukio Hatoyama Elected Japanese PM
Kim Yong Nam Greets President of Chile
Foreign Guests Here
Meeting to Remember Kim Jong Suk Held
Russian Chorus Gives Its Premiere in Wonsan
Chongsonghyang Products Developed
Historical Ferry Associated with Kim Jong Suk's Activities
Unconverted Long-Term Prisoners Lead Worthwhile Life
Birthday of DPRK Celebrated
Birthday of DPRK Observed in Austria
Kim Jong Suk Remembered in Mexico

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige construccion de Central Hidroelectrica de Huichon
Kim Jong Il se reune con el enviado especial de Hu Jintao
Kim Yong Nam y Dai Bingguo presencian una opera
Parte de regreso Dai Bingguo
Nombrado Pak Su Gil como ministro de Finanzas
Electo Yukio Hatoyama como premier japones
Escena de las miembros de UMDC para recordar a Kim Jong Suk

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