April 26. 2009 Juche 98
Kim Jong Il Inspects Command of KPA Unit
Kim Jong Il Enjoys Performance Given by State Merited Chorus
Kim Jong Il Gives Field Guidance to New Greenhouse at Wonsan University of Agriculture
Greetings to President of Togo
Greetings to President of Sierra Leone
Greetings to President of South Africa
Disbandment of Illegal "UN Command" Urged
World Day of Intellectual Property Observed
Lee Myung Bak Group's Moves to Escalate Confrontation with Fellow Countrymen Flayed
Successful Satellite Launch Hailed
Display of Korean Nation-First Spirit Called for
S. Korean Puppet Authorities' Suppression of Solidarity Blasted
S. Korean Puppet Security Authorities' Suppression Flailed
Resignation of Anti-Reunification Maniacs Demanded in S. Korea
DPRK's April Holidays Marked in Different Countries
Army Day of DPRK Observed in Egypt

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