calendar>>December 24. 2016 Juche 105
Concert Given by National Symphony Orchestra
Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Concert "Eternal Sun" was given by the National Symphony Orchestra at the Moranbong Theater on Saturday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army.

Among the audience were Kim Yong Nam, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, other senior party and state officials and officials of party and power bodies, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions and city-level institutions and working people.

Put on the stage were such numbers as first movement "Snow-covered Old Home", second movement "General Applies Art of Compressing Space", third movement "Song of Love for People" and fourth movement "Might of Korea" of the symphony "The General Will Live Forever as the Sun" and orchestra "Charms" and "Our General Is the Best".

The performers praised Kim Jong Il for having brought about a historic turn in the history of building the Juche-oriented revolutionary armed forces with his Songun politics and demonstrated the dignity and might of the country and the nation.

They well represented the orchestra "Unforgettable Echoes over Lagoon Samil" which inspires the deep reverence for Kim Jong Suk, the anti-Japanese war heroine.

The concert concluded with a series of orchestras "We Have Entrusted Our Destiny and Future to Him", winning high applause of the audience for its high ideological value and artistry.

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