calendar>>December 24. 2016 Juche 105
Intensified Candlelight Action for Justice Called for in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- The people's emergency action to oust Park Geun Hye regime in south Korea held a meet-the press in Seoul on Dec. 22, calling for stronger candlelight action, according to the south Korean online paper Tongil News.

The organization condemned Chongwadae for insisting on innocence of Park Geun Hye and denying all her crimes and the "prime minister" for working hard to promote bad policies of Park in a bid to secure support from the conservative forces.

The candlelight action made the passage of the motion calling for her impeachment through the "National Assembly" possible, the organization said, stressing the need to intensify the action in order to build a just society.

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