calendar>>October 20. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Blasts U.S. Official for Talking about "Moral Sanctions" on DPRK
Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA Thursday to denounce the U.S. for calling for "moral sanctions" while talking about "human rights issue":

Shortly ago, the U.S. sent the former UN special rapporteur related to the human rights performance in Korea to Seoul to let him talk such rubbish that "moral sanctions" should be slapped against the DPRK to restrict its teams' participation in international sports games such as Olympics or bar it from making sports exchanges with other countries, while finding fault with its non-existent "human rights issue".

What he uttered is something which would make even a cat laugh as it is just sophism of an unenlightened and mentally deranged man devoid of elementary common sense about the noble spirit of Olympics having peace, friendship, solidarity and cooperation as its basic mission, and universally recognized principles.

As for the former special rapporteur, he, while working as an official at the UN, acted as a puppet of the U.S., bereft of any impartiality. He parroted lies cooked up by hostile forces and played the role of a shock brigade in kicking up the "human rights" campaign against the DPRK.

The situation clearly proves how just the DPRK was when it did not deal with him at all, to say nothing of acknowledging him from the beginning.

Irony is that no sooner had the U.S. let this bete noire forsaken by the public stage a funny charade of calling for restricting the DPRK's participation in Olympics than a spokesman for the East Asia-Pacific Affairs of the U.S. State Department supported his assertion, saying that his utterances had something to reckon with and this is an issue which should be tabled at the UN.

Recently the U.S. State Secretary, the assistant secretary of the State for East Asia-Pacific Affairs, the U.S. representative to the UN and other officials are denouncing "human rights situation" in the DPRK whenever an opportunity is presented regardless of time and place, and even went busy meeting "defectors from the north" who are no more than human scum. Not content with this, they instigated the newly appointed UN special rapporteur to submit an anti-DPRK "human rights report" peppered with lies and fabrications to the UN General Assembly now in session.

This only clearly proves how wretched the U.S. has become though it styles itself the world's only superpower, and what reckless phase the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK has reached.

They are seriously mistaken if they think they can make the DPRK embarrassed by raising such "moral sanctions" as restricting its participation in international sports games or banning it from making sports exchange with other countries.

We do not care whether such issue is tabled at the UN or not but the U.S. and its vassal forces will be held wholly responsible for unpredictable and serious consequences to be entailed by that action.

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