calendar>>October 20. 2016 Juche 105
Renovated Spring Water Factory in Pyongyang
Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- The Ryongaksan Spring Water Factory in the suburbs of Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, has been renovated to meet the demands of the new century, raising its production capacity twice.

A lot of its buildings were built or rebuilt on an extension basis, including compressor room, pumping station, container production workshop and cultural and welfare establishments.

The factory realized the modernization of production processes on a higher level by replacing 45 equipment and facilities of 24 kinds with homemade ones.

It also established the water filtering and disinfection process of several stages and put all production processes on a germ-free and dust-free basis through the installation of 20-odd air-conditioning and sterilizing purifiers manufactured on its own efforts.

An efficient integrated production system was established to ensure the management of products and hygienic work on a scientific basis and the overall production process, ranging from the supply of containers to washing, filling, inspection and forwarding, automated and streamlined.

The factory now looks like a picture as it is surrounded by tens of thousands of various species of trees and flowers.

From olden times, Ryongaksan spring water has been known to be good for health and treatment of diseases as it contains various mineral matters and ions.

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