calendar>>October 20. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Slams Park Geun Hye Regime's "Human Rights" Farce against DPRK
Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye regime of south Korea is getting ever more undisguised in its "human rights" ruckus against the DPRK.

Recently, it sponsored a ceremony of opening the "office for preserving human rights records in the north," crying out for full-scale enforcement of the "law on human rights in the north."

This is another poor farce orchestrated by the human rights abusers in south Korea to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK and realize their wild dream of achieving "unification though absorption" by hyping and internationalizing the non-existent issue of the "human rights in the north" and cover up the miserable reality of south Korea, a veritable hell.

Traitor Park, seized with an inveterate bad habit of escalating confrontation with the compatriots in the north, has persisted in the "human rights" racket against the DPRK since the outset of her office in a bid to check the public mind-set favoring the north and stifle it through international cooperation.

Her regime orchestrated a farce of publishing a "white paper on human rights in the north" peppered with rubbish talked by betes noires who betrayed their country, and let them insult the compatriots in the north even in the international arena.

It set up the UN "office on human rights in north", a product of the U.S. "human rights" racket against the DPRK, in Seoul and went the lengths of railroading the "bill on human rights in the north" through the "National Assembly" though it had been on the shelf for the past decade under strong public fire.

The "law on human rights in the north," the first of its kind, is an evil law to stoke distrust and confrontation between the north and the south and bring a war disaster to the nation as it is based on misinformation offered by tricksters of south Korea, international plot-breeders, criminals who deserted their hometowns and families and other human scum in conspiracy.

Pursuant to this evil law, the puppet regime newly set up plot-breeding machines to escalate "human rights" racket against the DPRK and confrontation of social systems.

The open inauguration of the above-said "office" betrays the true colors of Park as a thrice-cursed traitor keen on the confrontation.

It is impudent for the Park-led human rights abusers to talk about someone's "human rights" situation as they are cursed and censured by all Koreans for totally stamping out democracy and human rights in south Korea and deprived south Koreans of their vital rights by reviving "yusin" dictatorship and pursuing unpopular policies.

The Park regime is working hard to tarnish the image of the socialist system in the ever-victorious DPRK, a single-mindedly united society, through such ridiculous "human rights" burlesque. It is like fools beating the air.

The Park regime's poor farce would only precipitate its self-destruction.

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