calendar>>October 20. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Juche Satellites Will Continue to Soar Despite Park Geun Hye Group's Obstructions: NADA Spokesman
Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) of the DPRK made public a statement Thursday in connection with the fact that the Park Geun Hye group of traitors are viciously pulling up the DPRK over its satellite launch and its right to use space for peaceful purposes even in the international arena.

At the recent meeting of the 4th Committee of the 71st UN General Assembly the DPRK delegate clarified the consistent principle and stand of the DPRK on the legitimate satellite launch and the right to use space for peaceful purposes, commanding strong sympathy and support of the attendants.

The south Korean puppet delegate who was watching for an opportunity to find fault with the DPRK doggedly earned the right to speak as soon as the DPRK delegate's speech was over and uttered that "the international community is striving for the use of space for peaceful purposes but the north is an exception" and "the north is continuously violating the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council".

He went the lengths of asserting that "any attempt of the north to justify banned activities by citing the right to use space for peaceful purposes is illegal".

As the DPRK delegate refuted his remarks based on reasonable logic and citing relevant law, he said that "it is clear that the true aim sought by the north in launching satellite is not for peaceful purposes" and that "it is necessary to seriously examine the issue of the north's qualifications as a member nation of the UN".

The spokesman ridiculed the recent act of the south Korean puppet group as a hysteric fit of those taken aback by the invincible spirit and might of the DPRK making a long drive undeterred by all sorts of challenges and obstructions of the hostile forces.

The recent strange attitude of the puppet delegate at the UN General Assembly was pursuant to the Park Geun Hye group's sinister intention to brand the DPRK's exercise of its independent right as "provocation" and incite an international atmosphere for putting sanctions and pressure on it.

Traitor Park who even let her stooges kick up a gangster-like confrontation racket in the international arena, is a shame on the nation, the spokesman said, and continued:

The groundless outpourings let out by the puppet group about the DPRK's satellite launch only clearly disclose the despicable true nature of itself as a group of idiots unable to distinguish satellite from long-range ballistic missiles, ignorant imbecile devoid of elementary discerning ability and a group of traitors keen on the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.

Dogs bark but caravan moves on. No matter how desperately the puppet group may work to prolong their remaining days while clinging to the coattail of their American master, the DPRK will launch more Juche satellites and step up the dynamic advance for conquering vast space under the five-year plan for the state space development.

The Park group should clearly know that the more desperately they may try to block the DPRK's peaceful space development, the bitterer international shame they will only face and the further they will precipitate their miserable end.

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