calendar>>February 1. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il's Exploits Lauded by Myanmar, Russian Personages
Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- Personages of Myanmar and Russia made public their statements on Jan. 22 and 26 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

Tha Win, member of the Central Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Party of Myanmar who doubles as secretary of the Yangon Regional Committee of the party, said that Kim Jong Il clearly indicated the way of accomplishing the cause of global independence through his energetic ideological and theoretical activities.

The most important exploit performed by Kim Jong Il for the victorious advance of the cause of global independence was that he smashed the imperialists' moves and firmly defended the country's sovereignty and peace and security in the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world by pursuing his original Songun politics, he added, .

Dmitri Kostenko, chairman of the Russian Association for the Study of the Juche Idea, said that the exploits performed by Kim Jong Il in accomplishing the socialist cause are the greatest ones.

He stressed that Kim Jong Il's undying feats are being successfully carried forward by Marshal Kim Jong Un and will always be remembered by the world progressives.

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