May 24. 2010 Juche 99
FM Spokesman on Right to Bolster Nuclear Deterrent
KPA Front Commander Opens Written Warning to Lee Myung Bak
NDC Spokesman Rebukes Lee Myung Bak's "Statement to People"
Kim Yong Nam Sends Condolence Message to Indian President
Kim Yong Nam Greets AU Chairman
Kim Yong Nam Greets Jordan King
German Delegation Arrives
New Postage Stamps Issued
Talks between DPRK-Iranian Youth Organizations Held
Puppet Shows Popular with Schoolchildren
US Development of New Type War Hardware Blasted
S. Korean Warlike Forces' Reckless Provocation Blasted
Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Work Observed
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Observed
S. Korean Warlike Forces to Stage War Exercises
22nd Congress of Chongryon Held in Japan
Kim Jong Il's Visit to China Hailed in Czech
Anniversary of Start of Work at WPK Observed in Italy
Story of Kim Il Sung

For Spanish-speaking People
MINREX ratifica derecho a consolidar disuasivo nuclear
Comandante del EPC advierte a la banda de Lee Myung Bak
Vocero del CDN rechaza declaracion del traidor Lee Myung Bak
Kim Yong Nam envia telegrama de condolencias a su homologo indio
Periodicos califican de asesino al actual "regimen" surcoreano

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