April 8. 2009 Juche 98
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Election as NDC Chairman Celebrated
Pyongyang Mass Rally Held
KPA General Staff Blasts Japan's Ruckus after DPRK's Satellite Launch
Congratulations to Kim Jong Il from Military Attaches Corps
Military Attaches Corps Visits Pyongyang Cultural Exhibition
Cuban Ambassador Hosts Reception
Deputies to SPA Pay Homage to Kim Il Sung
Deputies to SPA Pay Homage to Kim Jong Suk
DPRK Stirred by Launching of Satellite
Pyongyang in Festival Mood
School Youth and Children Visit Mangyongdae
Chinese Delegation Here
Rosy Is Future of DPRK under Leadership of Kim Jong Il
U.S. Moves to Cover up Human Rights Abuses Flayed
Lee Myung Bak Regime's Fascist Suppression Blasted
KCNA on Japan's War Chariot
Japan's Nuclear Weaponization Assailed
Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon Central Standing Committee
Just Cause of Korean People Supported in Bangladesh

For Spanish-speaking People
Kim Jong Il dirige la Fabrica de Productos Especiales Samilpho
Acto por aniversario 16 de eleccion de Kim Jong Il como titular del CDN
Kim Jong Il recibe cesto de flores y carta de agregados militares
Capitalinos aplauden el lanzamiento exitoso de "Kwangmyongsong No.2"

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