calendar>>April 9. 2024 Juche 113
Project for Implementing Regional Development Policy
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK steps up the project for implementing the regional development policy, true to the decision of the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The non-permanent provincial committee for promoting Regional Development 20×10 Policy detailed the assignment of officials and has intensified cooperation among the panels while strengthening political and technical guidance.

The province is simultaneously pushing ahead with the work to establish public and production buildings as a model at the raw material bases for regional-industry factories to be built in Kyongsong and Orang counties this year and generalize them to all units.

Other counties and cities are concentrating efforts on the work to boost the production capacity of raw material bases by making use of favorable natural and geographical conditions in the areas while taking measures to supply farm machines and farming materials.

Officials and working people in the province have turned out in a drive to implement the Party's policy of regional development, out of the mind to turn their residential areas into a paradise civilized and good to live in with peculiar characteristics.

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