calendar>>April 2. 2024 Juche 113
Production Successes Witnessed in Mining Industry of DPRK
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- Mines and enterprises in the mining industry of the DPRK are boosting the production while strengthening their sci-tech force.

The Ministry of Mining Industry and officials of the units concerned have found important reserves for increased production in science and technology and made sure that technical innovations are definitely converted into the work for the employees themselves.

The Unpha Mine has striven to raise the level of its employees' technical skills through the dissemination of science and technology. It successfully carried out its first quarterly plan by directing efforts into technical innovation.

The Hyesan Youth Mine has made progress in the mineral production by timely supplying accessories to ensure the normal operation of equipment and concentrating on the research work to improve the grade of concentrated ore and raise the rate of actual extraction from concentrates.

Workers and technicians of Phungnyon and many other mines have increased the production while taking timely measures to settle the knotty technical problems.

The Munphyong Smeltery established a new process to raise the extraction rate by using recycling technology and thus revitalized the production.

The Manpho Smeltery, too, has carried out its plan on all indices by operating the furnace as required by technical regulations and keeping equipment in full-capacity operation.

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