calendar>>March 8. 2024 Juche 113
National Symposium Held in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- A national symposium for deeply grasping the validity and epochal significance of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy, set forth by the Workers' Party of Korea, was held at the People's Palace of Culture here on Thursday.

Present there were officials of the central- and Pyongyang Municipal-level Party and administrative organs and working people's organizations and information workers in charge of theory from armed forces organs and the fields of science, education, literature and art, media and preservation of revolutionary relics and Party cadre-training institutions.

The symposium heard the papers presented by Ri Il Hwan, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Kwang Hyok, vice-minister of the Ministry of National Defence, Kim Myong Chol, chief secretary of the Kimhwa County Committee of the WPK, and Pak Jong Gun, vice-premier of the Cabinet and chairman of the State Planning Commission. They explained and proved in depth the validity and epochal significance of the new regional-industry development policy and the theoretical and practical issues arising in perfectly implementing it.

Speakers said that the Regional Development 20×10 Policy is an immortal revolutionary programme reflecting the ardent love of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un for the people and his courageous will.

The new policy is a precious crystallization of the spirit of devoted service to the people of the General Secretary and his devoted efforts to make the people's happy laughter resound more loudly in all parts of the country.

The speakers proved the fact that the new policy is the most revolutionary, popular and scientific one that all the people are welcoming and whose implementation is surely guaranteed.

Our Party’s new policy for regional-industry development is the most popular one welcomed by all the people, as it correctly reflected the reality that needs to urgently remove the difference between the capital city and regions in living standards and the imbalance between regions and bring significant improvement in the people's living in all areas of the country.

This policy is also a scientific one as it correctly calculated its feasibility on the basis of the experience gained in the construction of regional-industry factories.

The speakers said that the outstanding guidance of the respected General Secretary serves as a decisive factor in ushering in a new gigantic era of regional development.

They called for dynamically implementing the Regional Development 20×10 Policy by dint of loyalty and patriotism and thus opening up a period of comprehensive development for national prosperity with confidence.

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