calendar>>August 18. 2020 Juche 109
Anti-Epidemic Work Further Intensified in DPRK
Pyongyang, August 18 (KCNA) -- A brisk anti-epidemic campaign is underway in the DPRK to cope with the worldwide pandemic, true to the idea of the 16th meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

All the emergency anti-epidemic workers in Pyongyang and provinces are actively conducting the organizational and political work to correctly implement the directions and assignments given by the Party Central Committee, with high vigilance and readiness, as required by the protracted emergency anti-epidemic work.

New anti-epidemic measures have been taken to more strictly maintain the nationwide emergency anti-epidemic system and thoroughly check any inroads of malignant virus under the present anti-epidemic situation.

The inspection and quarantine officials have been urged to fully discharge their responsibility and role for a flawless anti-epidemic work now that anti-epidemic measures are constantly supplemented and strictly observed to shut tighter the border, coastal and frontline areas.

As the lock-down of the frontline area has been lifted, Kaesong City is intensifying the anti-epidemic work, strictly abiding by the anti-epidemic rules in lifting the isolation of those in quarantine.

Relevant units across the country have established additional anti-epidemic watch posts to get rid of and block the source and channels of infection in the rainy season, strengthened real-time monitoring and sterilized drinking water and removed garbage in accordance with the anti-epidemic rules to prevent virus infection.

Officials in the flood-stricken areas have taken timely measures to make sure that there would be no violation of anti-epidemic rules among their inhabitants and those involved in the rehabilitation project.

Medical tests of citizens have been intensified across the country and all units and sectors are working hard to ensure promptness and accuracy of the anti-epidemic work with recourse to the nationwide emergency anti-epidemic information system while steadily putting big efforts into sterilization.

Officials and working people across the country are strictly observing the anti-epidemic rules including mask wearing, temperature taking and hand sterilization, keeping in their minds that any slightest indolence and relaxation and chronic attitude might bring about an incontrollable serious disaster.

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