calendar>>December 20. 2017 Juche 106
National Art Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, December 20 (KCNA) -- A national art exhibition opened with due ceremony at the Korean Art Gallery on Wednesday in commemoration of the 100th birth anniversary of the anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk.

Among the art pieces on display in the venue of the exhibition is a picture depicting Kim Jong Suk who is protecting President Kim Il Sung at the risk of her life.

The art pieces show the revolutionary life of Kim Jong Suk who faithfully upheld the idea and leadership of the President as his lifeguard.

They make visitors remember the feats of Kim Jong Suk who always protected the President everywhere at the risk of her life, upholding him as the sun of the nation.

Some pieces represent the image of Kim Jong Suk who devoted tireless efforts to upholding the President's line for building the party, state and army right after the liberation of Korea.

There are also art pieces showing the feats of the heroine of Mt Paektu who provided the Korean people with sure guarantee for steadily carrying forward the Juche revolution being blessed by the illustrious leaders down through generations.

On display there are about 200 art pieces showing true picture of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea where the wishes of the heroine of Mt Paektu come true under the guidance of the peerlessly great men.

Present at the opening ceremony were Pak Kwang Ho, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, An Tong Chun, chairman of the C.C., General Federation of the Unions of Art and Literature of Korea, officials concerned, officials and creators in the field of art, Pyongyangites and youth and students.

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