calendar>>November 3. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Progressive Organizations Make Surprise Attack on Venue of Secret Talks of Lee Myung Bak Group of Traitors
Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) -- Members of the Headquarters of the All-People Action to Punish Lee Myung Bak made a surprise attack on the venue of secret talks of the Lee group of traitors on Oct. 30 and made a protest, according to the south Korean online paper Voice of Seoul.

On the evening of that day, more than 30 trusted stooges of Lee Myung Bak including Kim Thae Yong, former minister of Defense, were closeted together in a pub around the traitor's house.

Meanwhile, members of the commando to arrest MB continue to stage an indefinite hunger-strike and signature campaign around the traitor's house.

They launched a demonstration calling for the arrest of the traitor outside the building of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office on Nov. 1.

Hunger-strike and signature campaign will go on until traitor Lee Myung Bak gets the investigation.

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