calendar>>October 1. 2017 Juche 106
Art Performance Given in Hamhung of DPRK
Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- The State Merited Chorus, the Moranbong Band and the Wangjaesan Art Troupe gave their music and dance performance in Hamhung City of South Hamgyong Province from Sept. 24 to 30.

Enjoying the performance were working citizens of different walks of life and youth and students in the province.

In male solo and chorus "Song Dedicated to the Motherly Party", orchestra and male chorus "We'll Travel One Road Forever" and other numbers, the artistes of the State Merited Chorus sang loudly of the Korean army and people's trust in the Workers' Party of Korea and their faith and will to always advance along the road of the revolution under the leadership of the Party.

The artistes of the Moranbong Band represented light music and serial songs "Oh Party, It's Thanks to Your Care," female solo "We Call You Father," light music "Pyongyang Is Best", female chorus "Song of Big Fish Haul" and other numbers to impressively show the delight and optimism of the Korean people who are glorifying their dignity as independent people enjoying a worthwhile life under the care of the Party.

The Wangjaesan Art Troupe performed such numbers as dance "Dash toward Future" and tap dance "Young Days" which represent the stirring reality of the DPRK dashing toward the rosy future.

The performance won high accolade of the audience.

All the audiences praised the performance as pulsating one that hardens their optimism and confidence in the final victory in the standoff with the U.S. and the building of a socialist power and as a revolutionary one that turned the flames of Hamnam into the torch of great advance for effecting upswing in Mallima speed.

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