calendar>>September 27. 2017 Juche 106
Trump's Anti-DPRK Rhetoric Blasted by Koreans in Russia
Pyongyang, September 27 (KCNA) -- The United Confederation of Koreans in Russia in a statement Wednesday denounced the U.S. imperialists for bringing the dark clouds of war to the sky over the homeland.

The U.S. ceaselessly stage the DPRK-targeted large war exercises by mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops and nuclear strategic assets every year together with the south Korean puppet forces, the statement said, and went on:

The U.S. openly claims that the purpose of the war exercises is to overturn the social system in the DPRK and remove its headquarters.

The U.S. seeks to make the world a uni-polar world in which it is granted monopolistic right of punishing peoples of other countries at will in a bid to realize the world domination.

The rhetoric made by Trump at the UN General Assembly is an outburst beyond the diplomatic practices.

We strongly denounce Trump's rhetoric about "total destruction" of the DPRK and strongly demand him apologize before the Korean people at once.

The statement hoped that the people in the homeland would register success in their efforts to defend the sovereignty of the DPRK and developing its economy.

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