calendar>>September 24. 2017 Juche 106
Statement of KSDP on Trump's Violent Remarks
Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party (KSDP) in a statement on Sunday stressed that respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's recent statement is a stern declaration on bitterest miserable end to Trump, the ringleader of aggressors who challenged the DPRK with violent remarks, and an expression of the great Paektusan nation's steadfast will to totally erase the U.S., an empire of evils, from the earth.

It is an eruption of the Korean people's towering wrath and hatred toward the U.S. imperialists, sworn enemy, and a warning of history that the highhanded and arbitrary act of the U.S. can be no longer tolerated, the statement said, adding:

The KSDP fully supports the statement of the chairman of the DPRK State Affairs Commission that solemnly declared the resolute decision and will to defend the sovereignty and right to existence of our dignified state, people and nation and mercilessly punish with fire the gangster-like U.S. imperialists seeking to enslave the whole world.

Trump's remarks that he would "totally destroy" our state is the most ferocious declaration of war against the DPRK, and such inhuman words can be made only by descendents of American cannibals who grew up on the grave of Indians.

He talked at a UN General Assembly such utterances that they would annihilate one country and nation. It showed that he is a rare imbecile devoid of capability to control his tongue and ignorant rouge rather than a politician.

His reckless remarks make even those with normal thinking faculty lose discretion and composure, and they hint that the U.S. may start its rash military adventure any moment while showing its administration's hot-tempered state.

Anyhow, Trump and the U.S. are sadly mistaken.

The Korean people are not frightened at such violent remarks by Trump little different from a mentally deformed, and any "sanctions and pressure" can never stop their advance.

The U.S. should bear in mind that all its anti-DPRK deeds will be settled strictly and it will get further distressed before meeting a miserable end with passage of time.

The KSDP, which regards independence as its guiding idea and aspires after human, national and global independence, are convinced that all the progressive political parties and organizations around the world will steadily extend full support and solidarity to the just cause of the Korean people and turn out in the vigorous struggle to oppose the U.S. impudent, highhanded and arbitrary practices and build a free and peaceful, new world.

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