calendar>>September 20. 2017 Juche 106
U.S. Is Chiefly to Blame for Tension of Korean Peninsula: Newspaper
Pyongyang, September 20 (KCNA) -- It is against international law to take sanctions for retaliation and especially the sanctions for blockade against a sovereign state is an act of aggression and wanton violation of international law, Rodong Sinmun on Wednesday says in an article.

Under the situation where the U.S. is keeping the harshest sanctions and pressure in all fields of politics, economy and military, it is inevitable for the DPRK to take the toughest counteraction to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and the right of the people to exist, the article says, and goes on:

The ICBM-ready H-bomb test of the DPRK for self-defence is legitimate and just.

No one has a legal ground for putting sanctions and pressure over this step.

Resorting to sanctions and pressure over the DPRK's righteous and self-defensive measure is an act of deliberately coiling up the situation and disturbing peace. But the U.S. and those countries pretending to be powers while subdued by the U.S. are asserting as if the UN "sanctions resolution" is needed for detente on Korean peninsula. This is no more than an excuse to justify their self-contradictory acts.

The U.S. is chiefly to blame for aggravated situation of the Korean peninsula as it has turned the peninsula to a theatre of conflicts through unprecedented anti-DPRK sanctions and pressure and ceaseless arms build-up.

It is urgent to remove the lingering attachment for military option on Korean peninsula from the minds of U.S. rulers by maintaining the practical equilibrium of force with the U.S. This is a realistic way for ensuring genuine peace and security in the peninsula and the region desired by the Korean nation and international community.

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