calendar>>September 18. 2017 Juche 106
DPRK's Successful H-bomb Test Hailed by Nepalese, Belarusian Personages
Pyongyang, September 18 (KCNA) -- Nepalese and Belarusian personages issued statements on September 3 and 4 hailing the DPRK's successful ICBM-ready H-bomb test.

Manju Ratna Sakya, chairman of the Nepal Journalist Association, extended sincere congratulations to respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un upon bringing about the great success in the ICBM-ready H-bomb test.

The test clearly proved that the DPRK reached a high level in the technology of designing and manufacturing nuclear weapons, he said.

Watching all victories won by the DPRK under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Un, the world peace-loving people feel great joy, he noted.

The U.S. and its vassal forces should dare not provoke the DPRK possessed of powerful H-bomb and ICBM, he said.

L. Shukolinikov, chairman of the Belarus National Association of Friends of Korean People Named after Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, said that the successful H-bomb test is another victory won by the Songun politics of the DPRK, and its nuclear test and rocket launch are striking terror into the hearts of the imperialist invaders.

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