calendar>>August 8. 2017 Juche 106
Minju Joson Slams Japanese Reactionaries for Working as Shock Brigade for Carrying out U.S. War of Aggression
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries are making no scruple of joining in the U.S. which dropped A-bombs over Japan and did a great deal of harm to it in the past, and working hard to realize their long-ambition for turning it into a military giant and for overseas militarist aggression by the method of taking advantage of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and strategy to dominate Asia. But this is no more than action of tiger moths perishing in the flames.

Minju Joson Tuesday in a commentary says in this regard:

This year marks 72nd anniversary since Japan suffered the drop of A-bombs by the U.S.

The Japanese people and the whole world clearly remember the horrible disaster that hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and many areas were contaminated with radio-active substance and turned into a barren land owing to the A-bombs the U.S. dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Humankind has conducted a dynamic struggle for peace against war for putting an end to a nuclear war and achieving lasting peace, shaking with rage at the barbarities committed by the U.S. imperialists in Japan.

Japan, however, appeared a shock brigade and servants for the war of aggression of the U.S. imperialists, swimming against the trend of times, only to spark the anger of the international community.

It can never be a good opportunity for Japan to see the situation on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia got tense due to the U.S.

If a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, not only the mainland of the U.S., the belligerent party of the DPRK, but also Japan Archipelago can never be safe.

For their security and future, the Japanese reactionaries should stop foolish acts of working hard as a shock brigade and servants for carrying out aggressive war of the U.S. which inflicted painful wounds upon the Japanese people in past.

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