calendar>>July 28. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Hits out at U.S. and S. Korean Warmongers' Military Provocations
Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet warmongers are more desperately resorting to military provocations against the DPRK, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

Citing facts to prove this, the article notes that the U.S. is putting the maximum military pressure on the DPRK, while faulting its ICBM test, the exercise of its full-fledged right to self-defence, as an "intolerable provocation" and "fresh escalation of threat".

The U.S. imperialists' reckless hysteria for invasion of the DPRK has created such acute situation on the Korean peninsula that a war may break out any moment, the article says, and goes on:

The south Korean authorities have gone mad in military provocations against the DPRK in collusion with their American master, claiming the present U.S. administration's DPRK policy characterized by "maximum pressure and engagement" has something in common with theirs.

It is only outsiders who will benefit from confrontation between the north and the south.

The south Korean authorities are getting keen on escalating military confrontation targeting the fellow countrymen while serving their master, being played into the trick of the U.S. trying to maintain the north-south stand-off and provoke a nuclear war against the north. This amounts to an act of hideous treachery hurting the destiny of the nation.

The present south Korean authorities' military provocations remind one of the crime committed by the puppet conservative group which escalated confrontation between fellow countrymen and lynched the north-south ties.

It is a lesson of history that the traitors who are keen on sycophancy toward the U.S. and escalation of stand-off between the fellow countrymen, going against the trend of the times and desire of the nation, are bound to meet a shameful ruin.

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