calendar>>July 27. 2017 Juche 106
U.S. Can't Change DPRK's Strategic Position: Nigerian Figure
Pyongyang, July 27 (KCNA) -- Damian Ogbonna, national chairman of the People's Progressive Party of Nigeria who is co-chairman of the International Preparatory Committee for Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu and chairman of the African Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, released a statement on July 17 to mark the 64th anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

The statement said:

July 27, 1953, was the day when the army and people of heroic Korea defeated the U.S., under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung.

The Korean people have strengthened the military capability for self-defence in every way to counter the heinous provocative moves of the U.S. under the leadership of the outstanding Songun brilliant commanders for over 60 years after the war.

Recently they succeeded in the test-launch of ICBM Hwasong-14 and brought about a world historic event basically changing the situation and the balance of force in Northeast Asia.

The DPRK has provided a firm military guarantee for accelerating the victorious advance of socialism, smashing the unprecedented aggression moves and arbitrariness of the U.S. and its vassal forces. This is the victory not only of the Korean people but also of the world progressives.

The U.S. should admit the stark reality that neither sanctions nor pressure can change the strategic position of the DPRK and that there is no other way but to fundamentally repeal the hostile policy toward the DPRK.

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