calendar>>June 21. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Blasts S. Korean Authorities for Treacherous Acts
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Jong Se Gyun, speaker of the "National Assembly" of south Korea, said in his recent talk with Japanese Prime Minister Abe that south Korea gives "priority to the relationship with Japan" and "forward-looking partnership" should be made.

He told journalists as if he made great success, saying they "channeled efforts into quickly normalizing shuttle diplomacy" with Japan suspended so far.

This totally runs contrary to the aspiration and demand of the south Korean people to have their pent-up grudge settled by making Japan entirely pay for its past crimes, Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says in a commentary.

All Koreans demand that the south Korean authorities draw lessons from the behaviors of the Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye groups of traitors who had got hell-bent on confrontation with the fellow countrymen, in collusion with outsiders, plunging the inter-Korean relations into the worst phase, and pave the way for peace and national reunification, joining hands with compatriots on the stand of by Our Nation Itself, the commentary notes, adding:

Against the backdrop of this call, the south Korean authorities are going against the wishes of the nation by trumpeting about "the north's nuclear threat" while kissing Japs.

At this juncture the north and the south should pool their efforts to shatter Japan's moves for militarism and reinvasion. But they are rather joining hands with the hideous enemy of the nation in a bid for confrontation with compatriots, just like an idiot helping a burglar sharpen a sword targeting his house.

The south Korean authorities would be well advised to behave themselves, drawing lessons from the miserable end of the Park Geun Hye group of traitors, who worked frantically with pro-U.S. and Japan acts until they were heavily punished by history.

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