calendar>>June 8. 2017 Juche 106
Kayagum-making Method Registered as National Intangible Heritage
Pyongyang, June 8 (KCNA) -- The method of making kayagum (stringed Korean harp) was recently registered as one of national intangible heritages in the DPRK.

Kayagum, rectangular wooden string instrument, was invented by Uruk, a musician of Kaya (an old kingdom that existed in Korea from the mid-1st century B.C. to the mid-6th century A.D.), in the early years of the 6th century.

It consists of a sound box, silk strings, tuning pegs, leg, sound hole, etc.

Its soundboards are mainly made with paulownia, chestnut, black walnut and jujube trees that have grown for over 30 years.

Originally it had twelve strings, but it has been improved to be the present twenty-one-stringed instrument with a great compass.

Kayagum is used for mixed orchestra, accompaniment, solo, etc. for its dynamic sound, soft and elegant resonance and diverse executions.

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