calendar>>May 2. 2017 Juche 106
Japan's Aim in Spreading Story about Crisis on Korean Peninsula Disclosed
Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The Japan chief executive took the lead in spreading the story about the crisis on the Korean peninsula soon after the report about the U.S. preemptive attack on Syria was made as if had being waited for it to happen.

Japan ministers are following his lead in getting vocal about the story.

A commentary of Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says the aim sought by Japan in spreading the story is to step up the constitutional modification which it has so far attempted with the possible crisis on the peninsula as a pretext, and to put spurs to the "Self-Defense Forces" overseas dispatch.

Another aim is to stimulate its reeling economy with the orders of new war supplies from the U.S. after a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula and thus gain a windfall just as it did during the past Korean war, the news analyst says, and goes on:

If a war breaks out on the peninsula, those keen on doing harm to the DPRK, to say nothing of those who backed them, can not go scot-free.

In case of a nuclear war on the peninsula, Japan that houses logistic bases, launching bases and sortie bases of the U.S. forces will be put under radioactive clouds before any country.

If Japan is truly concerned about its interests, it has to make due efforts for the peaceful settlement of the Korean peninsula issue.

As the first country in the world that suffered A-bomb disaster, Japan knows better than others how terrible the nuclear disaster is.

The Japanese authorities should behave with discretion, clearly understanding that it is Japan which will be affected most once a war breaks out on the peninsula.

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