calendar>>April 12. 2017 Juche 106
Well-known Complex for Catfish Farming
Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in the DPRK, which is well-known across the country for successful stock-breeding, pomiculture and greenhouse vegetable production, has also made great achievements in catfish farming.

It produced a large amount of catfish last year and is breeding hundreds of thousands of fries.

The complex has a hatchery, catfish ponds covering nearly a hundred thousand square meters and assorted food production bases.

What draws attention in its catfish farming is that profitability is fully ensured by harnessing natural and geographical conditions.

The complex turned hollow areas and pools into catfish ponds which were enlarged several times bigger than the formers, and established a ring-shaped rotation production system to raise the weight increment.

Now, it is directing efforts to utilizing water treatment ponds for catfish farming.

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