calendar>>March 29. 2017 Juche 106
Achievements Made in Putting Forestation on Scientific Basis
Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Great efforts have been channeled into implementing the far-reaching plan of the Workers' Party of Korea on land development in the DPRK.

Standing in the van are scientists of the Economic Forest Institute under the Academy of Forest Science who have successfully settled problems arising in propagating trees of economic value.

After finding a solution by rationally combining grafting with dense planting, they succeeded in introducing the technology of creating a grove of pine-nut trees into several hectares of land in Rinsan County, North Hwanghae Province to raise the productivity four times higher and bringing harvest 10 years earlier than before. The same goes for newly-bred chestnut, walnut and other trees of good species.

From this year, it will be carried out to turn forests of Evodia daniellii into those of high-yielding ones across the country. For this, ten city and county Evodia daniellii forest stations were selected as exemplary units with hundreds of thousands of grafts prepared.

The scientists are also pushing ahead with preparations for introducing the method of grafting Evodia daniellii and guaranteeing the yield with science.

At present, it is possible to bring earlier the harvest and raise per-hectare yield 3-4 times higher than before in 2,000-odd hectares of Evodia daniellii forests.

Scientists are giving a helping hand to concluding the creation of lime-tree forest in Samjiyon County, Ryanggang Province within this year.

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